Equity Crowdfunding for Ressource-Efficiency
Last year ab&cd innovations won the Energy Globe Award in Vienna for their procedure to convert glycerin in lactic acid. Now, the company starts an equity crowdfunding campaign to get it’s procedure ready for the market.
Lactic acid is a coveted resource. It is used in the textile and the leather industry, in the production process of food and bevarages as well as in the generation of bio plastics. In times of scarcer resources, lactic acid represents a sustainable alternative in many industrial processes.The company ab&cd has developed a procedure which enables the conversion of glycerin to lactic acid. Glycerin, which appears as a byproduct of producing biodiesel fuel is getting “recycled” this way. Lactic acid, which has a stronger demand by the industry, is won. The equity crowdfunding campaign started today on GreenRocket.
Are you interested in this topic? Read Energy Globe Award 2014: economizing the future.
Foto Title: (c) Mihai Odoleanu
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