Switzerland part of H2020: For the time being
Bern und Brussels agreed on a partial association of Switzerland to Horizon 2020. For the time being. The membership is granted as long as Switzerland acts in line with EU-policy.
Michael Jenning, spokesman of the European Comission for Research and Innovation is happy to welcome Switzerland back in the Horizon 2020 Fund: “The Swiss are excellent concerning research and development. Therefore we really want to make a participation possible.” But this just counts as long as Switzerland acknowledges the agreement of free Person Movement in the EU. If they won’t sign the addendum to the Croatia-Protocol, they would be treated as third country participant, again, said Jennings.
At the moment participants from Switzerland count as fully associated entities in actions under the first pillar of Horizon 2020, namely the European Research Council, future and emergin technologies, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and research infrastructures as well as in actions under the specific objective “Spreading excellence and widening participation“. As well, they can apply for calls under the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) complementing Horizon 2020.
For the second and third pillars (Industrial Leadership and Societal Challanges) Researches from Switzerland still count as third country participants and will just be funded in exceptional cases.
EU declaration on the participation of Switzerland
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Fotocredits: Björn Koblow
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