Super Sewer in London comes late The “Super Sewer” is London’s new sensational large-scale project. 4,2 billion Pound (near to six billion Euros) will be invested into the … sharetweetshare
Fi-Ware and the Internet of Things Vienna hosts the open source project Fi-Ware from 26th to 29th of May. The Workshop is an important initiative for the Digital Agenda of the … sharetweetshare
Equity Crowdfunding for Ressource-Efficiency Last year ab&cd innovations won the Energy Globe Award in Vienna for their procedure to convert glycerin in lactic acid. Now, the … sharetweetshare
IT flashmob in Vienna arranged a flashmob on the 16th of September in the Austrian capital Vienna with nearly 1.000 employees. They looked for additional opportunities … sharetweetshare
Energy Globe Award 2014: economizing the future It’s could be named the “Oscar for sustainability”. The Energy Globe Award was committed in the last years by famous people as … sharetweetshare