ACQUEAU – New Call for Water Tech Projects
ACQUEAU, a cluster of the European research network, has initiated a new call. Until the first of October, innovative and multinational projects of the water and waste water sector can apply for research funding.
There is some money in water infrastructure. Every year, investments in infrastructure assets represent more than 33 billion Euros. The world market for drinking water has reached 250 Billion Euros by now. In Europe alone, around 600,000 people are working in the water and waste water sector. At the same time, aging infrastructure and increasing water scarcity demands new innovative solutions. The ACQUEAU-Cluster now opened a new call to fund such solutions. They have chosen nine key working areas of the water sector and industries, which are:
Additionally ACQUEAU has focused on five key challenges to boost the competitiveness of the water sector in Europe and to develop bottom-up solutions for the market. These are Membrane Technologies, real-time system management, materials for pipes and coating, low environmental impacts for disinfection and oxidation as well as low energy waste water treatment.
Project Outline Submission until the first of October
ACQUEAU Open Call is a two-stage submission and evaluation process. It delivers the EUREKA ∑! label and thus facilitates access to national funding (but does not guarantee it). The actual funding is done through national programs. Proposals for ACQUEAU must involve at least two partners from two different countries participating in the EUREKA scheme and must have a strong market and exploitation orientation. EUREKA supports enterprises in 40 countries performing close-to-market research and development!
The contribution from any given country must not exceed 70% of the total budget. In parallel, the contribution from any one partner (affiliated organizations count as one partner) must not exceed 70% of the total budget either.
The Project Outline Submission is opened until the first of October. The next cut-off deadline for Full Project Proposal Submission (for the ones who made it through the first round) is November 19th 2014.
Are you working on a project that could fit this call? Get in contact with us. We will give you competent advice on the application process. Smart Cities Consulting.
Our services include…
- Project outline for funding and grant schemes
- Individual funding strategy – development and implementation
- Select project partners and establish consortia
- Support and train proposal writing
- Support project planning and management, reporting
- Publish and disseminate project outcomes – marketing, media relations, editorial tasks
- Support development of business cases for innovative services
- Build and operate (bilateral) entrepreneurial exchange programs
- Fair quotes, project-based or subscription-based !
Fotocredits: Acqueau
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